Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Fongo was founded and is still based in Waterloo Ontario, Canada. While Fongo’s services can be used to call and text around the world, Fongo mainly serves Canadians, offering Canadian phone numbers and Canada-wide calling for free.
Yes, all prices on Fongo’s website are in CAD and any transactions with Fongo are in CAD with taxes applied (unless using the Fongo World Edition app downloaded from a foreign app store).
Yes, nearly all Fongo services can be used anywhere in the world as long as you’re connected to unrestricted internet!
Fongo Mobile
Once downloaded in Canada, your Fongo Mobile app will allow you to call back to Canada at no cost from anywhere in the world. Canadians will also be able to call you with no long distance charges, as if you’re still in Canada.
If you’re outside Canada and don’t have the Fongo Mobile app already downloaded, you will need the Fongo World Edition app, which can be downloaded anywhere and used to connect with Canadians while abroad.
Fongo Home Phone
Take your Fongo Home Phone with you abroad! Simply take your home phone adapter with you and mimic your home setup anywhere in the world. You will receive and make calls the exact same way you did when you were home, at no extra cost.
Fongo Works
Your Fongo Works phone system will transfer calls to you no matter where you are or what device you’re using. You can make outgoing calls from your business number using the mobile and/or desktop app, or any of your IP phone devices while abroad (at no extra cost).
Fongo’s free services operate on a “freemium” model where we offer free services hoping users will upgrade their experience by purchasing premium, paid features. If you want to use the free versions of our Fongo services forever, that’s ok too! Advertisements allow free services to stay free.