You can send and receive unlimited messages between Fongo phone numbers. You can also receive unlimited text messages from non-Fongo phone numbers.
Receiving verification (short-code) text messages requires an Unlimited Texting or Fongo Plus add-on.
To send text messages to non-Fongo phone numbers, an Unlimited Texting add-on is required.

Picture Messaging
Picture messaging is unlimited and free between Fongo Mobile users.
Receiving picture messages from non-Fongo phone numbers requires an Unlimited Texting or Fongo Plus add-on.
Sending MMS messages to non-Fongo phone numbers requires both Unlimited Texting and Fongo Plus.
Group Messaging
Enjoy Fongo group messaging with up to 10 friends at once.
To start a group conversation, compose a message to multiple Fongo contacts. All members of the group will be able to easily respond and see others’ responses in one conversation.
To view group members, tap the group button. Tap any of the individual names for options to call, message, or view the contact’s profile.
All members must be connected using Fongo. If any member is connected via a non-Fongo number, the group message will not be created and you will be having individual conversations with each group member. Responses will be sent back to you only.