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Remove Ads

Ads Removal logo
Ads Removal logo
Ads Removal logo
Fully remove ads from your Fongo Mobile app, reveal a hidden navigation bar, unsubscribe from marketing communications and gain access to additional features.
remove ads feature image


Fongo Mobile
  • $2.79 – 1 Month
  • $5.49 – 3 Months
  • $9.99 – 6 Months
  • $16.99 – 12 Months
Fongo World Edition

See in-app for pricing.

How to Purchase

In your Fongo app…

  • Tap the shopping cart
  • Select Remove Ads
  • Tap Buy on your desired subscription term

Login to your online dashboard…

  • Login here (using the same credentials as the app)
  • Select the online store
  • Select your desired subscription term beside “Remove Ads”
  • Click Buy
*Online dashboard not available for Fongo World Edition
how to purchase remove ads

Login to your online dashboard…

  • Login here (using the same credentials as the app)
  • Select the online store
  • Select your desired subscription term beside Remove Ads
  • Click Buy
*Online dashboard not available for Fongo World Edition

What’s Included?

Full Ad Removal

An active Remove Ads subscription removes banner and interstitial advertisements from your Fongo Mobile app.

This also excludes you from Fongo’s marketing texts and emails. Notices and regulatory texts & emails about your account will still be sent.

fongo mobile navigation bar screenshot

Navigation Bar

Banner advertisements on the dial pad are replaced with a navigation bar, including the following shortcuts:

  • Dial pad
  • Contacts
  • History
  • Messages
  • Voicemail

Set Call Display Name

Unlock the ability to change your outgoing Call Display name.

  • Tap Account
  • Tap Settings
  • Turn Show My Caller ID on
  • Tap Caller ID and edit your name

Note: Toggling “Show My Caller ID” on/off is not available in Fongo World Edition

fongo mobile screen showing how to change caller ID with Remove Ads addon purchased

Lock-in Your Number

An active Remove Ads subscription keeps your account safe from auto-deletion due to inactivity. Your number will always remain active and assigned to you. Fongo Mobile’s Dormant Policy.

Get Remove Ads For Free!

Learn how to earn credits for free within the app, then convert credits into Add-on services.

earn world calling credits for free
convert credits into remove ads