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Additional Phone Numbers

Available For Purchase

You can purchase Additional Numbers from Fongo for more ways that customers can reach your Fongo Works business. All phone numbers associated with your Fongo Works business, regardless of number-type, will route to your automated receptionist greeting (unless you implemented receptionist bypass).

Additional Local Numbers

All additional numbers are Canadian phone numbers local to the city/town of your choice.

  • If a Canadian caller has Canada-wide calling included with their phone plan, it will not cost them anything to call your Canadian number.
  • If the Canadian caller only has local calling included with their phone plan, they will only be able to call your business number for free if your business number is from the same city/town that their number is from
    • Example: The caller’s number is local to Toronto, ON. Your business must also have a Toronto, ON phone number for them to call you without using long distance.
  • Most callers from outside of Canada will be charged international fees to call your Canadian number, since it will be an international call for them
Toll Free Numbers

All callers within North America can call your Toll-Free business number at no charge to them.

Vanity Numbers

When you purchase a vanity number, you have the option of making it a local vanity number or a toll free vanity number.

  • The local vanity number will follow the same rules described above for “Additional Local Numbers”
  • The toll free vanity number will follow the same rules described above for “Toll Free Numbers”

Additional Local Phone Number

If the number has been active on your account for at least 10 months, you can freely transfer the number.
If transferring the number before 10 months, a port-out fee will be determined.

U.S. Phone Number

Unfortunately you cannot transfer your U.S. phone number out of Fongo.

Toll-Free Phone Number

Same rules as additional local phone numbers apply (see above).

Vanity Phone Number

Your vanity phone number can be freely transferred at anytime.

No. All phone numbers associated with your Fongo Works system function identically. Regardless of number-type, calls to your numbers will route to your automated receptionist greeting (unless you implemented receptionist bypass).

All extensions and devices can make outgoing calls as well as receive calls from all numbers.

How To

Purchase Additional Numbers


Login to your Fongo Works dashboard at


Click the shop icon at the top of your dashboard.


Add items to your cart, then checkout when you’re ready to order.