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Call Handling Settings

Included with Free Signup

Call handling is a setting that adjusts what happens when calls come to your extension. You can alter the call handling settings to be unique for each member/extension.

By adjusting your call handling settings, you’re essentially adjusting when/if the call goes to voicemail and/or forwards to a cellphone number. We will explain below how these settings can dictate which devices ring when your extension gets called.

Fongo Works Features Feature Pics


Below are the 3 ways you can receive calls on Fongo Works.
Fongo Works Account Setup
To Your Pro Device
Incoming Call on Fongo Works
To your Fongo Works App
Man holding phone with an incoming call
To your cellphone number

All calls routed to a member’s extension will always go to the Fongo Works App or Pro Device first, whichever is connected. If the member has both a Pro Device and the App connected, they both ring simultaneously.

Your call handling setting is for what happens after the call rings on your Fongo Works App and/or Pro Device.

Each Call Handling Setting

Go to Voicemail:
Call will go directly to your Fongo Works voicemail

Forward to Cellphone:
Call will forward to the number you input into the cellphone number area of the member.
If unanswered, the call will either end, or the voicemail of the cellphone number will pick up the call. This is dependent on the ring-count settings.

Forward to Cellphone, then go to voicemail:
Call will forward to the number you input into the cellphone number area of the member.
If unanswered, the call will then go to the Fongo Works voicemail of that member

“I want calls to go to…”

Call handling setting: “Go to Voicemail” 

Note: If you have a Pro Device assigned to this extension, you must disconnect it or power it off if you only want calls to go to your app

Call handling setting: “Forward to cellphone, then go to voicemail”

  • Ensure you input the cellphone number you want the call to forward to into the “cellphone number” field of your member/extension
  • Ensure you don’t have the mobile app signed in
  • Ensure your Pro Device is powered off or disconnect (if applicable)

Call handling setting: “Go to Voicemail” 

Note: You must sign out of the Fongo Works app or else it will ring simultaneously with your Pro Device.

Call handling setting: “Go to Voicemail” 

Your Fongo Works app and Pro device will ring simultaneously. You can choose which device to answer the call on.

Call handling setting:
“Forward to cellphone, then go to voicemail”

  • Ensure you input the cellphone number you want the call to forward to into the “cellphone number” field of your member/extension

Your Fongo Works app and Pro device will ring simultaneously. If unanswered, the call will go to your cellphone number, then if unanswered again, it will go to your Fongo Works voicemail.

Call handling setting: “Forward to cellphone, then go to voicemail”

  • Ensure you input the cellphone number you want the call to forward to into the “cellphone number” field of your member/extension
  • Ensure your Fongo Works app is signed out or else it will ring with your Pro Device

Your Pro device will ring, then if unanswered, the call will go to your cellphone number, then if unanswered again, it will go to your Fongo Works voicemail.

Call handling setting: “Forward to cellphone”

  • Ensure you input the cellphone number you want the call to forward to into the “cellphone number” field of your member/extension

Your Fongo Works app and Pro device will ring simultaneously. If unanswered, the call will go to your cellphone number, then if unanswered again, the call will drop.

Call handling setting: “Forward to cellphone”

  • Ensure you input the cellphone number you want the call to forward to into the “cellphone number” field of your member/extension
  • Ensure your mobile app is signed out or else it will ring with your Pro Device

Your Pro device will ring, then if unanswered, the call will go to your cellphone number, then if unanswered again, the call will drop.

Call handling setting: “Forward to cellphone”

  • Ensure you input the cellphone number you want the call to forward to into the “cellphone number” field of your member/extension
  • Ensure you don’t have the Fongo Works app signed in
  • Ensure your Pro Device is powered off or disconnect (if applicable)

How to Configure Member Settings & Call Handling

How To

Go Pro


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